Friday, March 25, 2011

All Grain Red Headed Alice Irish Red Ale

So my friend Alice had a birthday that just happens to fall a few days after St. Patrick's Day. I'll bet your thinking to yourself that this sounds like a reason to celebrate. You would be correct my friends, but let me tell you more. Alice is a red head and she comes from a tough family of Irish figherfighters. What's this you say? Is this too good to be true? Nay I say, for it is true. Thus when she requested that I make her a beer for her birthday, I could think of no better brew than an Irish Ale. A few hours of looking through several recipies and working them through my Beer Smith program, Red Headed Alice Irish Ale was created.

I only made a 5 gallon test batch but judging from the fact that it was gone in a matter of hours I'd say that I will need to make 10 or 15 gallons the next time I brew it. I've had several Irish ales and even though it's mine, I have to honestly say that this is my favorite and one of my best brews to date. You can't see in the picture below, but the color is amazing. I have already reserved it a spot in the rotation and can't wait to make enough to share with everyone next time.  'Sláinte go saol agat!!!

 8 lbs -   2-Row Pale Malt
 2 lbs -   Carmel/Crystal Malt 40L
.5 lbs -   Carapils
.5 lbs -   Malanoiden Malt
.5 lbs -   Munich Malt 10L
.5 lbs -   Flaked Wheat
.25 lbs - Chocolate Malt

1.5 oz Goldings
1.0 oz Fuggles

Wyeast 1084 - Irish Ale

Brewed on: 2/5/2011
Primary Fermented for: 6 days at 660 F.
Secondary Fermented for : 3 days at 500F.
Kegged on: 2/15/11
Tapped on: 2/19/2011
OG: 1.047
FG: 1.004
ABV: 5.68%
IBU: 31.4
SRM: 18.59

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