Friday, March 25, 2011

All Grain Red Headed Alice Irish Red Ale

So my friend Alice had a birthday that just happens to fall a few days after St. Patrick's Day. I'll bet your thinking to yourself that this sounds like a reason to celebrate. You would be correct my friends, but let me tell you more. Alice is a red head and she comes from a tough family of Irish figherfighters. What's this you say? Is this too good to be true? Nay I say, for it is true. Thus when she requested that I make her a beer for her birthday, I could think of no better brew than an Irish Ale. A few hours of looking through several recipies and working them through my Beer Smith program, Red Headed Alice Irish Ale was created.

I only made a 5 gallon test batch but judging from the fact that it was gone in a matter of hours I'd say that I will need to make 10 or 15 gallons the next time I brew it. I've had several Irish ales and even though it's mine, I have to honestly say that this is my favorite and one of my best brews to date. You can't see in the picture below, but the color is amazing. I have already reserved it a spot in the rotation and can't wait to make enough to share with everyone next time.  'Sláinte go saol agat!!!

 8 lbs -   2-Row Pale Malt
 2 lbs -   Carmel/Crystal Malt 40L
.5 lbs -   Carapils
.5 lbs -   Malanoiden Malt
.5 lbs -   Munich Malt 10L
.5 lbs -   Flaked Wheat
.25 lbs - Chocolate Malt

1.5 oz Goldings
1.0 oz Fuggles

Wyeast 1084 - Irish Ale

Brewed on: 2/5/2011
Primary Fermented for: 6 days at 660 F.
Secondary Fermented for : 3 days at 500F.
Kegged on: 2/15/11
Tapped on: 2/19/2011
OG: 1.047
FG: 1.004
ABV: 5.68%
IBU: 31.4
SRM: 18.59

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Brewing Schedule Released!

Avon, In. March 23, 2011 – Lake House Brewing Announces Spring Brewing Schedule

 Lake House Brewing Co. is proud to announce the release of their brewing schedule for the Spring of 2011. With yard work and many other weekend events already planned for this busy time of year, brewing will be scheduled for once a month. This should allow time for the careful crafting of each of your favorite beers as well as ample time to kill enough kegs for each new batch.

The scheduled is as follows:

Dill’s Dunkel                           3/31/11 NEW! Inspired by the man and his hat.
Bitchin’ Blonde                       4/10/11 Her drapes match the carpet.
Hopzilla IPA                            5/8/11   NEW!  Requested by Eric Jones.
Red Headed Alice Irish Ale     6/5/11   Miso tipsy on this Irish missy.
Eight Legged Pale Ale            7/10/11 The classic is back!

Tapping dates for each will be posted during the fermentation period of each brew so be sure to check back often.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Quick Update

Sorry, I have not posted in a few weeks. I have been frantically busy at both jobs resulting in this site being neglected. One thing that has not been neglected is my brewing schedule. So far I have brewed and tapped 10 gallons of all grain Eight Legged Pale Ale and brewed and tapped a 5 gallon test batch of Red Headed Alice Irish Red Ale. Both have received great reviews from taste testers Shawn, Dill Hero and Mr. Crazy. I’ll post the details for each and a few pics later this week.

I will also be discussing yeast in a future post and step-by-step all grain brewing. Until then I have a 10 gallon batch of Dill’s Dunkel that will be brewed in the next week, so stay tuned and don’t forget to support your local Micro Breweries.